
IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED (one of the following):

  • Valid Hawaii State Driver’s License
  • Valid Hawaii State ID
  • Valid Military ID

Hawaii Loa Ridge Owner’s Association (HLROA) owns the common area land and roads from Mauka (Mountain) to Makai (The Sea). There are 557 homesites that are privately owned. This area rises from sea level to 1,000 feet above sea level. The roadway loop at the ocean side of Kalaniana’ole Hwy. is the beginning of Puuikena Dr. It is called the Jug Handle. The ocean side lawn and the islands in the Jug Handle are owned and maintained by HLROA. The Outdoor Circle once awarded the Association with a Certificate of Appreciation for Beautifying the Kalaniana’ole Hwy. corridor.

The Jug Handle is a very active roadway and parking there is prohibited. It’s the only access to the Association for Eastbound traffic. Stopping or parking there is strictly enforced. There is a larger public State park, Kawaikui Park that adjoins the Jug Handle. There is an ample parking lot and an expansive grassy area with beautiful trees that leads safely to the vast ocean vistas and beach access. That is the best place to park down by the ocean. Restroom and shower facilities as well as a pavilion and picnic tables are available.

The traffic light at Kalaniana’ole Hwy. has two lanes heading up into HLROA. The left lane is for visitors, contractors and hikers. The right lane is for owners and tenants only, who have pre-registered with the HLROA Management office and possess both decals and gate access cards issued to their vehicle. All drivers at HLROA need to have an active valid Driver’s License to drive on Association property. Drivers who can not provide the required Driver’s License will be turned around or escorted off the property.

Once past the gate, drivers are expected to observe all posted speed limits, practice safe driving habits and show respect for others on the road.  There are approximately nine miles of roadways at HLROA with 557 homesites. At the 700-foot elevation at the upper Kahiau Loop intersection there is a 2 ½ acre park to the right. The Ridge Club, tennis courts, children’s play area and the HLROA Management Office are there. The address is 669 Puuikena Dr. and the office is the closest door to tennis court #1. The office is open between 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday, closed on weekends and holidays.

Further up Puuikena Dr. at the top of the Association is the 3-acre Paka Nahele. This Association owned wilderness park is just below the Board of Water supply tank #4. At the altitude, 1,000 feet above sea level, Paka Nahele is reserved for owner’s and their escorted guests. Their parking area is the left turn at the water tank down to the Owner’s lot.

Hiker’s enter at the Entry Security Post, register and sign a waiver that explains all the rules. Each hiker’s car is provided a parking stall in the Hiker’s parking lot, to the right after the water tank. Once the hiker’s lot is full, no more hiking passes are authorized until a hiker comes down to the Security Post and returns the hiking pass.  Hikers are expected to observe the rules and go right from the parking lot to the State Wiliwilinui trail. Enjoy the hike and help preserve the terrain by following best hiking practices. Security patrols regularly to assure owner’s privacy and safety. If hikers are found in areas they were not authorized, they will be escorted off the property.